How to search tag name from Chatsilo listing popup

By following these steps, you can easily search for and select specific tags from the ChatSilo tag listing popup.



1. Ensure that you are Inside facebook messenger,Click on the ChatSilo tag button, which can be found beside any contact in your chat list.

2. After clicking the ChatSilo tag button, a popup window will appear displaying a list of your tags.

3. As you type the letters of the tag name, ChatSilo will display related tags that match your input. This helps you quickly locate the desired tag.

 Once you see the tag you want in the search results, check the box next to it to select it.

 It's important to note that you don't need to press the "Add Tag" button. This button is used for adding new tags without clicking on the ChatSilo extension icon.

Great job! You've just harnessed the power of ChatSilo's search feature to effortlessly find the tag you were looking for within the ChatSilo tag listing popup.

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